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YOR: 26 of 113
·FDJ ·22 ·45 §68 ·91
·FC ·23 ·46 ·69 ·92
·Ins ·24 ·47 ·70 ·93
·T1 ·25 ·48 ·71 ·94
·T2 ·26 ·49 ·72 §95
§Ack §27 ·50 ·73 ·96
§FW ·28 ·51 ·74 ·97
§6 ·29 ·52 ·75 ·98
·7 ·30 ·53 ·76 ·99
·8 ·31 §54 ·77 ·100
§9 ·32 ·55 ·78 ·101
·10 ·33 ·56 ·79 ·102
·11 ·34 ·57 ·80 ·103
·12 ·35 ·58 §81 ·104
·13 ·36 ·59 ·82 ·105
·14 ·37 ·60 ·83 ·106
·15 §38 ·61 ·84 ·107
·16 ·39 ·62 ·85 §108
·17 ·40 ·63 ·86 ·109
·18 ·41 ·64 ·87 ·BC
·19 ·42 ·65 ·88 ·BDJ
·20 ·43 ·66 ·89
·21 ·44 ·67 ·90

Page 24

discerned, since about this time Chater and Hayward added the trades of lead, oil and colourmen to their activities of glass-cutting and glazing.
    So it is seen how in three generations of the Hayward family from the year 1783, their activities have spread out in many directions, each of which might be pursued as a separate theme to its present significance. Our business, however, henceforward is with the two young Hayward brothers, Edward and William, who, whatever the influences of their father, uncles or cousins and the connections that came with them, are shortly to isolate themselves in that common endeavour leading directly to Haywards Limited.