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YOR: 89 of 113
·FDJ ·22 ·45 §68 ·91
·FC ·23 ·46 ·69 ·92
·Ins ·24 ·47 ·70 ·93
·T1 ·25 ·48 ·71 ·94
·T2 ·26 ·49 ·72 §95
§Ack §27 ·50 ·73 ·96
§FW ·28 ·51 ·74 ·97
§6 ·29 ·52 ·75 ·98
·7 ·30 ·53 ·76 ·99
·8 ·31 §54 ·77 ·100
§9 ·32 ·55 ·78 ·101
·10 ·33 ·56 ·79 ·102
·11 ·34 ·57 ·80 ·103
·12 ·35 ·58 §81 ·104
·13 ·36 ·59 ·82 ·105
·14 ·37 ·60 ·83 ·106
·15 §38 ·61 ·84 ·107
·16 ·39 ·62 ·85 §108
·17 ·40 ·63 ·86 ·109
·18 ·41 ·64 ·87 ·BC
·19 ·42 ·65 ·88 ·BDJ
·20 ·43 ·66 ·89
·21 ·44 ·67 ·90

Page 87

H. T. Walker
H. T. Walker
G. F. Pittar
G. F. Pittar

cathedral. As a member of the committee for rebuilding the nave of this ancient place of worship he was able to assist materially by his wide professional knowledge and experience as well as financially. He was also a member of the Institute of Civil Engineers and the Society of Arts.
    To no one at Union Street was the passing of an old colleague so personal as to J. A. Willmore, who had known him since his own birth in India at a time when Extone was there as a young man. From this early friendship had sprung the merger with Cottam and Willmore.
    J. A. Willmore had retired in 1901, but now he returned to take over the chairmanship. J. Gray was appointed to the Board, retaining the duties of secretary which he had fulfilled for the foregoing fifteen years.
    The Enfield factory continued to grow. In 1925, an order was placed for a steel-framed covered way, 50 feet wide, to flank the whole western side of the works. This proved an excellent arrangement permitting lorries to load and unload under cover and giving protection to stock material and other stores.
    The late summer of 1926, a year remarkable for the disastrous General Strike, brought two further adjustments on the Board. H. T. Walker was appointed Joint Managing Director with G. F. Pittar, and the company's solicitor for the past thirty years, A. L. Collins, was also elected a director.