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·i ·23 ·48 ·73 ·98
·iii ·24 ·49 §74 ·99
·iv ·25 ·50 ·75 ·100
§1 ·26 ·51 §76 ·101
·2 ·27 §52 ·77 ·102
·3 ·28 ·53 §78 ·103
·4 ·29 ·54 ·79 ·104
·5 ·30 ·55 §80 §105
·6 ·31 ·56 ·81 ·106
·7 ·32 ·57 ·82 ·107
§8 §33 ·58 ·83 ·108
·9 ·34 ·59 ·84 ·109
·10 ·35 ·60 ·85 §110
·11 §36 ·61 ·86 §111
·12 ·37 ·62 ·87 §112
·13 ·38 ·63 ·88 ·113
·14 ·39 ·64 ·89 §114
·15 ·40 ·65 ·90 §115
·16 ·41 ·66 ·91 ·116
·17 ·42 ·67 ·92 §117
·18 §43 ·68 §93 ·119
·19 ·44 ·69 ·94 ·121
·20 ·45 ·70 ·95 ·123
·21 ·46 ·71 §96
·22 ·47 ·72 ·97

    The articles upon the history and progress of Glass Manufacture herein presented to the public were originally published in the columns of a village newspaper.
    They are the result of investigation upon these topics made in the few leisure moments gained from the engrossing cares of business, and consequently make no pretension to anything of literary character or execution.
    The object of the writer has been to gather, in a condensed form, whatever of interesting information could be gained from authentic sources, in regard to a branch of manufacture which has attained a position among the useful and elegant arts scarcely rivalled by any other of those which mark and distinguish the progressive character of our country.