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First: D26,829 · Basquin · "Design for a Prismatic Window-Light" · Page 1 Last: D27,969 · Basquin · "Design for a Prism-Light" · Drawing Prev: 586,223 · Basquin · "Adjustable Prism-Canopy" · Page 1 Next: 595,258 · Basquin · "Mold for Prism-Lights" · Page 1 Navigation
Olin H. Basquin
23 of 28
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letter Patent No. 595,257, dated December 7, 1897.
Application filed August 23, 1897. Serial No. 649,226. (No model.)
To all whom it may concern:
    Be it known that I, OLIN H. BASQUIN, a citizen of the United States, residing at Chicago, in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Canopies, of which the following is a specification.
    My invention relates to prism-light canopies and the like, and has for its object to provide a new and improved canopy or the like, of which the following is a description, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, wherein—
    Figure 1 is a horizontal section through an apartment provided with one form of my improved canopy. Fig. 2 is a side elevation of the device shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a view showing a different mode of applying my invention.
    Like letters refer to like parts throughout the several figures.
    My present invention is adapted to be used for lighting apartments of any description wherein prism tiles or plates or the like are used and where such prism tiles or plates or the like instead of forming part of the window are suspended in proximity thereto in some convenient manner.
    I have illustrated in the drawings diagrammatically, as it were, a simple form of my device in order to make its application clear.
    As illustrated in the drawings, a series of prism-lights are suspended in proximity to the aperture A, through which the light is admitted into the apartment B. The prism-lights or other light-directing devices are bound together in any suitable frame and are so positioned that part of such lights project beyond one or more of the edges of the aperture. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the prism-lights are divided into what may be called "three sections." In the section C, which is directly opposite the opening, the prism-lights are preferably in the ordinary position, so as to throw the light directly back through the aperture. In the sections D and B, which project beyond the edges of the aperture, the prisms are tilted or otherwise positioned, that instead of throwing the light directly back they throw it in an angular direction, so that it will be projected through the aperture A. It will be seen that by this construction I am enabled to very materially increase the light-receiving surface in proportion to
the opening through which the light is admitted, and thereby obtain a greatly-increased illumination of the apartment to be lighted. In some instances it will be desirable to do away with one or more of the sections, so that the prisms will only project beyond one edge of the aperture. It is also evident that these prism-lights may be held in any desired position and may project beyond any or all of the edges of the aperture through which the light is admitted.
    I have used the word "canopy," but I do not limit myself to any technical meaning which said word may have, and by such term I mean to include any and all constructions wherein the prisms are located in proximity to the aperture through which the light is admitted, some of said prisms projecting beyond one or more of the edges of such aperture.
    I have only attempted to illustrate my invention diagrammatically, as it were, and I do not limit myself in any manner to the construction shown, as the only purpose of such construction is to make my invention clear, and as it will be readily understood the construction may be greatly varied without departing from the spirit of my invention.
    I have used the words "prism light," but I mean to include by such term any and all devices which act in a similar manner to change the direction of rays of light.
    In Fig. 3 I have shown a construction wherein the prism-lights are placed substantially in the same plane as the aperture through which the light is admitted, but removed from said aperture, so as to project beyond one or more of the sides thereof.
    I claim—
    A prism-plate for windows, comprising a series of prism-lights and a frame associated therewith so as to form the prism-plate, said prisms arranged in groups adapted to throw the light through the window whether the prisms of such group are in front of the window or not, suitable supports to retain the prism-plate in position, all of the prism-lights in substantially the same plane, and some of them projecting beyond the side margin of the window through which the light is to be thrown.